Sunday, January 9, 2011

Gal Meet up Nuremburg

Sooo finally I write the post which all of u were waiting for.
The HimeBerry Meet up.

Lets start with my look on that day.

Okay, so Hinabi, Terra, René and I went to Nuremburg for the meet up.
We were really excited and talked a lot in the train. But when we arrived we had to wait more than an hour for Tanita to come ,_, It was 15:35 or something like that when she arrived and René and I were so hungry.
We were looking forward to go to an All u can eat restaurant but the other wanted to go to another place so the start was very awful but changed later when we met again after having DINNER,finally.

Later we went shopping in the city. First we went to claires and Hinabi and Terra found a lovely hat. I also would liked to have this one but these 2 were the last ones. So I got a bit disappointed.
This is the hat. I was able to wear it for a while.
Next shop was called.. idk anymore but Ive seen a foxtail and wanted to go there and claim this lovely item but Jasmin was faster than me so she got the LAST FOXTAIL ( again. shit shit shit. )
You can imagine how disappointed I was ,_,
However, the last shop we were, I fortunately found an item just for me just so lovely.
It is my light pink jacket seen on the next pictures.

here it is in the shopping bag                           and here I wear.
Of course I found other items, too but not so many. Just one dress, a shirt and a necklace.
I will show you in a few days.
So after having a cup of coffee at Starbucks..
we took pictures and stuff at the train Station Nuremburg.
getting ready..

suzu and me.

I also took a video.

ENJOY us dancing stupid dances and so on.

So okay. What do I say to the whole meet up..
It was quite fun meeting the other people and going shopping with the girls but, Misa and so on said before they would like to do a gyarusa but NOBODY TALKED ABOUT THIS AT THE MEETING !
Not that I would like to join but.. nya. Isnt this neccessary for doing a cir ? talking about WHO wants to join WHAT shall we do WHAT want we to do etc etc. 
I mean, Hinabi is already a BP member and Terras always going with her on meetings and I would like to join BP,too if they let me some day when I got better. Its not that I dont like the idea of HimeBerry or the members ( id even know exactly who wants to join ^^ ) its just that the idea of BP sounds more what Im searching for. Hina and Terra always telling me stories of BP meetings and so on how nice Pai is and that they always organize something doing karaoke and puris and having fun blabla.
Most of the time I talked to Hina and Terra. Sometimes with Suzu she seems to be a really nice one but not that much and the shortest talking I had with Jasmin and Melissa. Jasmin seems to be a little bit shy and Melissa..i dont think she really likes me idk y but..nya. Oh and Tanitas little sister I know from school is so cute and nice and so Tanita is. But unfortunately she had to go earlier ( and she came later. noop. )

But..nyah. This was just my opinion of the whole meeting. Maybe I just was in a bad mood b/c of the beginning and the foxtails and hats I missed ^^

But hopefully I will be able to go on a BoggyPeak meeting to have a look how they are doing.


  1. Ach wie blöd! Ich hätte so gern gewusst wie es bei Hime Berry weitergeht xO

    und du tust mir so leid ey!!!
    Ich hasse das absolut, wenn mir jemand was beim shoppen vor der nase wegschnappt, vor allem wenn ich die leute noch net richtig kenne und denen das nich gönnen kann >.>
    Demnächst nimmste ne Eisenstange mit zum Shopping und kämfst drum xD So Yankee-like xD

    Vielleicht findest du die Sachen nochmal wenn du das nächste mal in der Stadt bist :*

    und der tanz war ja echt süß xD
    Ich wär vor scham im boden versunken :D
    (vor allem weil ich nich tanzen kann lol)

  2. haha das war ja auch nur so quatschmäßig. Hina hat mir den "Angeldance" gezeigt wie sie mich beim tanzen angelt :D :D

    Nyoo Terra schickt mir n Link von nem Shop aus Köln da krig ich den sogar 5 Euro billiger. von daher haha.

    Also, ich weiss ja nicht wie Misa und so drauf sind weil die ja leider nicht da waren aber ich würd schon das nächste mal nochmal vorbeigugen wie das is weil, kann ja sein dass ich nur n bissl down war wegen dem Sushi essen etc etc dass ich nur dachte, die mögen mich nich oder so xD Mal sehen mal sehen ^-^



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